Effective tramline management
Effective tramline management
Tramlines and wheelings are soil tracks that have become compacted due to regular and heavy machinery trafficking. These tracks provide pathways for soil and water to run off fields, and eventually find their way into watercourses.
Norfolk Rivers Trust has been working to address this issue as part of the Water Sensitive Farming initiative. A novel piece of on-farm machinery – the ‘BE Wonder Wheel’ – is available for growers to trial for free. This machinery purchase was funded by Tesco UK, and is towed behind a tractor to disrupt the compacted tracks and divert the run-off back to the field. The ‘Earthwake’ and ‘Wheel Track Roller’ are also available to trial.
Find out more by reading the attached downloadable document, or speak to one of our farm advisors.

Disrupted tramline

Tramlines in a potato field